About Brent
I was staring at a shirtless photo when it hit me, I was finally letting myself go to the point where I needed to make some serious changes before I lost total control.
It was back in 2007 with P90X that I lost the 18 lbs that snuck up on me after college and after I got married. For the first time in my life I felt really uncomfortable in my skin like never before.
My confidence and self-esteem were at an all-time low. I was embarrassed, especially for the fact that I had graduated with a degree in Exercise Science and was going down a completely different path. I hated how out of shape I was getting and knew I needed to put a stop to it sooner than later. For my entire life I had always been an athlete and never had to worry about my weight. I grew up eating healthy, but that changed as I got older. I was eating a lot of fast food, and pizza and junk while I was working creating my own seasonal landscape business. Fast food and the dollar menu were what I was living and it got to a point where I said enough is enough. After all I still wanted to be active and competitive in the sports and activities I had enjoyed all my life.
One activity I really was passionate about was cycling and I really wanted to get back into it and start competing again. I had this beautiful Steel Eddy Merckx bike that would stare me in the face everyday in my garage. Deep down I wanted to ride it again but each day I said tomorrow…I had to make a decision and it had to be now. So after watching that infomercial for probably the 20th time I decided to give it a go with P90X. It looked simple enough, follow the program eat healthy and results will come. So I ordered it and committed to the 90 days. I actually woke up at 4:30 am daily to go down in my cold basement in the Winter to train. Ok, It wasn’t easy and the first week was torture. I didn’t give up though and the results that started to show fueled me to con
tinue on. It took me a couple rounds of hard work but once I was into the habit of committing to work on myself and change my health and eating, things began to fall into place. My energy levels started to increase, I felt better, more confident and I was comfortable in my own skin once again. I lost almost 20 lbs. and as soon as the snow melted I hopped on that old steel Eddy Merckx beauty and rode like never before. It was the most freeing feeling! It was just like that day the training wheels came off as a little kid and you rode into the sunset like a bird flapping it’s wings for the first time.
Star Diamond Coach, BA, CPT,