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Tag Archives: 5 minute workout

The Lil’ Killer- Upper 5min Workout

5 Minute Upper Body Workout Awwwww the Lil’ Killer how cute…or is it?! Here is my quick little 5 min workout you can add into your daily workout or throw down at the office. 5min is all it takes or try doing 2-3 sets of this little routine for a killer upper body workout.

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Ab Attack-5min Workout

5 minute Ab Workout Here is a quick little ab routine you can add into your daily workout or throw down at the office. 5min is all it takes or try doing 2-3 sets of this little routine for a killer ab workout.  

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Plyometrics 5min Workout

5 min Plyometric Workout Here is a little 5 min workout I created that will get your legs and lungs burning. Add it in to your existing routine or take 5 min in your day to add in something extra. You can also do multiple sets to give you a 10, 15, 20 min plyometric […]

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