Free Radicals Vs. Anti Oxidants!!!
Who are you letting dominate your Health?!?! Free radicals, regarding the human body, are unstable oxygen molecules that can do damage to your cells, organs and body as a whole. Our food choices fight them!!! So eating healthy is WAY MORE IMPORTANT to your INTERNAL HEALTH than look
ing good in your bathing suit. However looking good in your bathing suit is the cool result of eating healthy and working out…bonus! Do you understand Free Radicals and how important Anti Oxidants are? Think about it, it’s simple. Everything you put in your mouth is either SLOWLY KILLING you or fueling you with the PERFECT amount of NUTRITION your body needs to fight off the damage and disease that Free Radicals cause!!! Take a look at the picture to the right for some awesome sources of antioxidants that will keep your body in top shape. Also I am a huge fan of Shakeology as you probably know, it is the thebombdotcom!!! It fuels you with your daily dose of dense nutrition and destroys free radicals and fights off illness, aging and disease. I really struggle to get all my veggies in each day but I know I can get them in here and it tastes like the most sinful dessert. So for optimal health, be conscious of what you eat and how important it is internally. All too often people focus on the waistline and not the inside!